“we are who we practice to be.”
~melvin bray, equity consultant


equity is a practice.™ it’s not an idea or a theory. it’s not a conversation or a debate. it’s not a sympathy or empathy that one expresses. it’s a story of human dignity you embody over and over, day after day, until it becomes a part of you and you a part of it.

knowing this, we have stopped facilitating one-off events that have the stated goal of advancing equity. events can introduce concepts, stir discussions, inspire feelings, and launch initiatives. however, movement toward equity in any form requires a focused commitment of energies and resources across time. unLearn inEquity Accountability Circles allow the stakeholders of your community, organization, or team to practice staying focused over time.

accountability circles are for persons committed to detoxing from the supremacist logics and systems of inequity to which we have been socially addicted. circles help participants develop a racially explicit, intersectional equity lens by progressing through the Truth & Transformation Model, which is predicated on a relational understanding of culture change, trauma, and somatics. we use the sharing of stories and images, experiences and art, reflection, resonance, and feedback to cultivate the strength of relationship that can challenge one another to do better—not just think, feel, and talk better.