
for help with developing cultural competence, we recommend differentiated exercise ACTIVE BYSTANDER TRAINING for historically privileged persons and STORYTELLING TRAINING for historically marginalized persons, both provided by social justice communications consultant tameka bell. these interactive trainings recognize the differences in the work different persons need to do depending on their historic relationship to power. either will help you build courage and competence in your abilities to relate to and stand with those seeking equity. contact us for pricing.


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there are plenty of organizations and individuals doing training that helps develop cultural competence and offering services that speak with cultural competence. The following are a few of the ones doing most excellent work:

race forward – a place for training and consultancy around structural racial justice concerns

joe ward – consultant offering solutions to sundry justice-oriented communications needs

kinetics – firm offering justice-oriented digital communications and economic strategy

auburn seminary – a place for multifaith-rooted leadership development around justice issues


ella baker organizing model – graphic articulation by jamye wooten, online media consultant

the five rules of racial standing – father of critical race theory, derrick bell’s 1992 explanation of the terms on which people of color, black people in particular, are constrained to enter into public life in america, excerpted from his seminal volume Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism

How to Be an Antiracist – a straight forward, well-documented guide from author ibram kendi on moving beyond being hypothetically “not racist” to being meaningfully antiracist

other resources

ferguson syllabus

baltimore syllabus

charleston syllabus

lemonade syllabus

charlottesville syllabus

syllabus for white people to educate themselves