this self-paced, experiential course is the capstone component of the UnLearn InEquity curriculum, which also includes the Truth & Transformation Model, the accountability circle methodology, and community provisioning workshops we provide as check-ins for groups working the steps together.  the course is divided into two parts, each with seven modules. in addition to engaging the written (and future audio-visual) materials, each month participants will have the opportunity to interact with one of our facilitators in an open group question-and-response video conference session.

the general objective of the course is articulated in its title—to help participants unlearn inequity. more specific objectives include to:

  • progress through the 12 steps of truth and transformation toward recovery from the -isms we describe as “social addictions” (e.g., racism, sexism, queerantagonism).
  • participate in an embodied experience, meaning-making, and practice of equity that results in transformative learning, that is learning that changes the conditions that produce inequity.
  • demonstrate the necessity, ability, and survivability of de-centering historically privileged identities, while centering historically marginalized identities, despite the unfamiliarity of both.
  • cultivate a shared language, memory, inquiry, care, and sense of mission related to equity, as members of the same team, organization, or community.

key concepts include: the formula that produces persistently inequitable outcomes, how systems of inequity work, committing to better, distinguishing what we’re used to from what ought to be, power-over/power-with/power to, the necessity of community, enabling behavior, power analysis, intersectionality, accountability to those committed to equity, processes of change, making amends, releasing shame, managing resentment, working through guilt, belonging, reordering power, handling relapses into power excesses, repairing damage, reimagining possibilities, open invitation, and much, much more.

because the course is experiential and participants engage from various vantage points and starting points, different people will come away from it having made gains unique to them. our hope is to create enough commonality in story, understanding, and skill to where those same people can risk across their differences to build together the more beautiful world they imagine possible.

to help you get a sense of the content, here is a sample sub-module, “Why & How to Take This Course,” from Part I – Truth and another, “Introduction to the Cultural Competence for the Historically Privileged,” from Part II – Transformation. while in beta, the course is only $400 per subscription for participating communities. please contact us to sign up.